The Life of Jimmy Dolan tells the story of a talented boxer who becomes an impersonator after a train station theft leaves him in dire circumstances. He finds himself in a world of riches-to-rags, struggling with physical disability and facing a manslaughter charge. Through a series of coincidences, he is nursed back to health by an alcoholic detective and gets a chance at redemption in the boxing arena. Framed for murder and fighting to clear his name, Jimmy Dolan must navigate a world of cynicism, betrayal, and family secrets to reclaim his life.
Right Cross is a drama about a Mexican-American boxer who faces bigotry as he tries to make a name for himself in the boxing world. Set in New York City, the film explores the challenges he faces both inside and outside the ring, including his complex relationships with his family, a sports reporter, and a boxing trainer. The movie also delves into themes of identity, assimilation, and unrequited love.
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