Loverboy is a comedy film that follows the misadventures of a pizza delivery boy who becomes entangled in a series of misunderstandings and romantic rivalries. As he navigates his summer job, he finds himself caught between a neglected wife, a sex worker, and a lustful female doctor. With a fake mustache and a toy robot as his companions, he faces comedic mishaps and hilarious encounters in a story that explores love, lies, and revenge.
Hum Tum is a romantic comedy that explores the different stages of love through the lives of its two protagonists, Karan and Rhea. The story follows their journey as they meet, fall in love, and go through various ups and downs in their relationship. Set in different cities around the world, Hum Tum is a heartwarming tale of love, friendship, and self-discovery.
Zee and co. recounts the story of a wealthy married couple, Zee and Robert, and their marital issues including infidelity, deception, and love triangle. The plot explores the complexities of their relationship and the consequences of their actions. Set in London, the story revolves around Zee's encounters with different characters and the emotional turmoil she goes through.
Meir and Tova, a long-married couple living in an upscale high-rise, become obsessed with their new neighbor Itsik, a charismatic modeling agent. They attend Itsik's karaoke parties and compete with each other and other residents for his attention.
Delves into the rivalries and undercurrents in the world of high fashion.
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