Mona Lisa, a Korean-American with supernatural powers, escapes from a mental institution during a blood moon. She finds herself in New Orleans, where she must navigate through dangerous situations while searching for her mother. Along the way, she forms a friendship with an 11-year-old boy and discovers the true extent of her powers.
Glory Alley tells the story of a prizefighter in New Orleans who, after serving in the Korean War and being injured, finds redemption in the ring and in love. He navigates a complex web of relationships, including male-male relationships, while dealing with issues of self-consciousness and a change of heart. With the help of a cabaret entertainer and singer-dancer, he overcomes his past and becomes a boxing champion. Along the way, he must confront his old injury and face a bitter man who stands in his way. The movie also explores themes of father-daughter relationships and boyfriend-girlfriend relationships.
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