Supervixens is a dark comedy movie that follows the story of a gas station attendant who gets caught up in a series of bizarre and violent encounters. The film explores themes of lust, seduction, and sexual humiliation, while also providing a satirical commentary on society. It features a mix of comic violence, erotic scenes, and a murder mystery.
An Ordinary Man tells the story of a former war criminal who is forced to live in hiding as a fugitive. He forms an unlikely friendship with a young boy, as he navigates the challenges of evading capture and trying to return to his homeland. The movie explores themes of redemption, survival, and the consequences of one's actions.
After the death of his sister, a man is haunted by her ghost and begins to experience strange and disturbing events in his life.
A vacationing family heads to their remote ancestral home to celebrate Christmas, but when they begin to quarrel among themselves, opportunistic demons seize the chance to infiltrate the clan. It's up to the guardian spirit of the family's brave grandmother to save her grandkids from the terrorizing sinister forces.
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