Between Us is a drama movie that revolves around the struggles of a homeless family living in New York City. The film explores themes of poverty, eviction, and the challenges faced by undocumented immigrants. It takes a closer look at the impact of dysfunctional marriages and the consequences it has on children. The story follows a single mother who is separated from her husband and is trying her best to provide for her fatherless child. The film also touches upon the topic of abortion and its role in the lives of the characters.
A small criminal who is reported missing is found murdered in the safe of a known bank manager. While working with the motive behind the murder it is discovered that a large amount of counterfeit shares and bonds are in circulation. Hassel and his colleagues recognize that there are interests in the business community who are involved in the scandal, people who don't shy away from clearing away cumbersome barriers to safeguard their economic power.
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