Adrienne (2021) is a compelling documentary that explores the shocking death of Adrienne through the lens of investigative journalism. This gripping film unravels the layers of a murder disguised as suicide, revealing the truth and the impact it had on those involved. With a rich biographical backdrop, the documentary uncovers the dark secrets hidden beneath the surface. Directed by a talented female filmmaker, this thought-provoking piece leaves audiences questioning the boundaries of justice and the power of the human spirit.
Thousands of exuberant fans fill Boston's FleetCenter arena to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the annual Beanpot Hockey Tournament -- a four-team, midwinter competition featuring the teams from Boston University, Boston College, Northeastern University and Harvard University. Joining the 2002 lineup for this commemorative sports event are seven Boston College players from the 1952 squad that participated in the inaugural tournament.
William 'Frank' Cavanaugh is a top football coach who gave up his career to enter WWI where he became a hero. After the war he went back to coaching where he ended up having one of the best winning percentages in football history.
Orson Welles — with contributions from scientists George Wald, Carl Sagan, and others — examines the possibility and implications of extraterrestrial life. In examining our perceptions of alien 'martians' from his "War of the Worlds" broadcast, to then-modern explorations of Mars, this film from NASA provides a unique glimpse at life on earth, and elsewhere in the universe.
A young queer girl is entered into an eerie beauty pageant, of unknown stakes, that ultimately turns against her.
Take a gripping journey through the Boston University-Boston College rivalry's storied history, defining moments and recent glories. These legendary programs have gone at each other for nearly a century. Each team measures its own success--at least in part--by its performance against the other. They've recruited the same kids, battled for the same titles, and chase the same championship.
Requiem for a Running Back is a documentary film that explores the devastating consequences of football injuries, focusing on the impact of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) on players' lives. The film highlights the medical research conducted by Boston University, revealing the alarming prevalence of brain injuries among former National Football League (NFL) players. Through interviews with players, medical professionals, and researchers, Requiem for a Running Back delves into the dark side of American football and raises important questions about player safety and the long-term effects of the sport.
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