Great Teacher Onizuka follows the story of Eikichi Onizuka, a former gang member who becomes a high school teacher. Onizuka is known for his unconventional teaching methods and his ability to connect with his delinquent students. The series explores the challenges and successes Onizuka faces as he tries to inspire and transform the lives of his students.
In a post-apocalyptic Neo-Tokyo, a biker gang member gains powerful psychic abilities, becoming a threat to the city. A teenager and his friends, along with a group of psychics, must stop him.
An exciting cyberpunk romp directed by Rintaro with veteran animator Kanada Yoshinori about a genius hacker and a gang of hot-rodders.
Sayonara Speed Tribes is a documentary film that explores the world of yankii and bosozoku, two Japanese youth subcultures known for their rebellious behavior and love for motorcycles. The film takes an in-depth look at the lives of these young people, examining their motivations, struggles, and the impact their lifestyle has on society.
After working as a reporter and an assistant at a radio station, Watanabe Yoshimitsu, former leader of the bosozoku gang Black Emperor, returned to his old stomping grounds and began to make a film about bosozoku. At the time, he was 21. The teenage members of the bosozoku group, also known as " Thunder " would get into their revamped motorbikes and cars and race around the city. With the police as their enemies, they ran from patrol cars and did other defiant acts. They would put on outlandish clothing and, as a result of fights with rival groups, were very loyal to other members of their own gang. Every Saturday, they would cruise around, vanish and reappear throughout the entire night with no particular goal. However on 1 December 1978, because of provisions in the new highway transport law, the end was at hand for their " season of running wild. " The film shows them simply continuing to run wild on this last night before the law is to take effect.
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