Set in 7th century BC, the film follows the story of Daniel, a Jewish prophet, who becomes an advisor to the Babylonian king. As he faces religious persecution, he relies on his faith and miraculous experiences to navigate through a kingdom filled with idol worship and political schemes.
In the movie Convergence (2017), a series of strange and inexplicable events unfold, causing chaos and violence in their wake. As the plot unfolds, we witness a convergence of different storylines and characters, all connected by a common thread of mystery and intrigue. From severed tongues to bound and gagged victims, the movie takes viewers on a suspenseful and thrilling journey that explores themes of faith, torture, and allegory.
Taken from his people, Daniel is exiled inside the perilous kingdom of Babylon. As he navigates this new life, will his trust in God remain steadfast through every test of faith?
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