Chopper is a dark comedy movie based on the true story of Mark Brandon "Chopper" Read, an ex-soldier who became a notorious criminal in Australia. The film follows Chopper's life as he navigates the world of crime, showing his arrogance, brutality, and self-destructive behavior. It explores his relationships with other criminals, his time in prison, and the events that led to his notoriety. Set in the 1970s and 1980s, Chopper is a gripping tale of violence, jealousy, and paranoia.
The secret formula for the world's most powerful explosive has been stolen from the U.S. government. William Brown, a clerk who aspires to be a detective, has just received his badge from some anonymous Midwestern agency, and manages to get himself embroiled in the intrigue.
When a rich young man marries, he lets the books and letters left him by his dead mother guide his life.
A young man has a chance to become partners in an auto-repair business, but he doesn't have the money. In order to come up with some quick cash, he decides to temporarily become a professional boxer. The problem is that he isn't an athlete, knows nothing about boxing and stands a very good chance of getting the stuffing beaten out of him.
Boxer Joe Palooka steps into the ring after a friend's dog gets kicked.
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