A Slipping Down Life (1999) is a drama, music, and romance film that follows the story of Evie Decker, a young woman who becomes infatuated with a local musician named Drumstrings Casey. In an attempt to gain his attention, Evie carves his name into her forehead and starts attending all of his gigs. As Evie's obsession with Drumstrings grows, she makes drastic changes to her life, including getting a job at a local radio station and becoming involved with a rock 'n' roll lifestyle. The film explores themes of rebirth, love, and self-discovery.
The film’s hero, Ilyich, cannot understand what’s wrong with him. Ilyich is a for- mer “mole”, an external observation agent in the KGB, then FSB. A skilled instructor. Now he is retired. From loneliness, he continues to watch those who catch his attention and curiosity. The doctor diagnoses him with empty sella syndrome (the syndrome of an empty Turkish Seat), which poses no danger for society... One day new neighbours move in, a young couple of musicians, and Ilyich’s life changes...
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