In the year 2065, Captain Aki Ross and her team of scientists must find a way to stop the invading Phantom alien spirits before they destroy the remnants of humanity and the planet itself. With the help of General Hein and a crew of brave soldiers, they embark on a dangerous mission that takes them from the dark ruins of a post-apocalyptic future to the depths of space. As they uncover the secrets of the alien creatures and their connection to a mysterious spirit, they realize that the fate of Earth hangs in the balance.
In a future where virtual reality has become indistinguishable from real life, a dangerous criminal is used as a test subject for a virtual reality program. However, the experiment goes wrong and the serial killer escapes into the real world, wreaking havoc on the streets. An ex-cop is brought in to stop him, utilizing his knowledge of the virtual world to bring down the virtual reality killer.
When a group of teenagers working on a video game get fired, they decide to take revenge by creating a monster and bringing it to life in the game. However, things go horribly wrong when the monster becomes real and starts hunting them down one by one. Now, trapped in a virtual reality game, the survivors must figure out a way to escape before they become the monster's next victims.
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