Nobody Knows is a Japanese drama film set in Tokyo, Japan. It tells the story of four siblings who are left to fend for themselves after their mother abandons them in their apartment. The film follows their struggles to survive and maintain a semblance of normalcy while facing neglect, malnutrition, and the challenges of being children on their own. Based on a true story, Nobody Knows explores themes of family, responsibility, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Mum & Dad is a British horror movie that revolves around a dysfunctional family. The sadistic parents kidnap strangers and subject them to heinous forms of torture and abuse. The story unfolds as a young woman is taken captive and fights for her life against her deranged captors. The movie is filled with gruesome scenes of violence, gore, and psychological torment.
Tales That Witness Madness is an anthology film that presents four different stories, each belonging to the horror, comedy, or sci-fi genre. The tales revolve around various themes such as human sacrifice, murder, psychotronic films, automatic doors, Hawaiian music, and more. The movie takes viewers on a journey through different time periods and locations, showcasing a range of bizarre and chilling scenarios.
Experts examine the gruesome crimes of killers who try to hide their victims in luggage, revealing how their attempts to conceal the body gave them away.
Right after she moves in with him, Frederico's new girlfriend Francesca sends him back to her former boyfriend's apartment to fetch her something she forgot - but he's surprised to find him lying there - dead. Assuming that Francesca killed him and sent him for cleaning up, he cuts him up in pieces, puts him in a suitcase and tries to get rid of it... but he has a hard time finding a suitably quiet place. Unfortunately there's a witness, who comes back on him. One thing leads to another, and the normally shy and overly fearful Frederico has to rid himself of more and more corpses until this black comedy ends.
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