Mickey purchases an elephant named Bobo as an exotic pet, but soon realizes that Bobo is mischievous and causes chaos in Mickey's home. With the help of Pluto, Mickey finds a way to handle the devilish elephant.
Little Bobo the Elephant decides to leave a jungle, where he is assigned to the thankless task of moving logs with his trunk, for a glamorous life in a circus in America. On the advice of a minah bird, Bobo paints himself pink to gain access to a ship bound for the U.S., because nobody on the ship will admit to seeing a pink elephant much less act to remove the presumed hallucination. After Bobo arrives in America, a steet-cleaner washes his pink color away, and people are now willing to acknowledge seeing the little elephant. Bobo is arrested by the police and chained for trial by judge, and the judge sentences him to life - in a circus, where he is bat "boy" for the big top baseball team, and laments that he's carrying logs (i.e. bats) yet again!
Bobo the Elephant is baseball team mascot for the lean and meek Sweetwater Shnooks, all of whom are rendered unconscious by their opponents, the husky and brutal Greenville Goons. The Shnooks' manager, rather than forfeit the game, decides to bring in Bobo to play every position - and he does rather well!
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