In this Christmas special, Bing Crosby celebrates the holiday season with special guests and musical performances. The story unfolds in an English estate where a widow, a boy choir, a fashion model, and a jester come together to create a memorable holiday experience filled with laughter and music. Joined by Bob Hope, Bing Crosby spreads joy and cheer, while discovering the true meaning of Christmas.
THE LEGEND OF BOB HOPE entertaining American 6's started in May of 1941 when the country was at peace. When World War Il broke, Bob Hope, with a band of ""Hollywood gypsies,"' took off for Europe, North Africa, and the South Pacific wherever our men and women in uniform were training or fighting. Throughout the war, al of Bob's weekly radio shows were performed before Gl audiences. The tradition of spending Christmas with the troops began in 1848 when Bob, with his wife Dolores, flew to Europe to entertain Americans involved with the Berlin airlift, and continued to entertain them each Christmas through Desert Storm in 1390. Among Bob's most cherished memories are those holidays he shared with our troops n Vietnam.
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