Rad is a heartwarming drama about a teenage boy named Cru Jones who dreams of winning a local bicycle race called Helltrack. With the support of his friends, Cru faces numerous obstacles and sabotages from a wealthy businessman who wants to keep him from entering the race. Along the way, he must also navigate his complicated relationship with his single mother and a blossoming romance. Will Cru overcome the odds and claim victory in the race, as well as the heart of his love interest?
The Ride is a dramatic movie that tells the inspiring story of a young BMX rider who overcomes racism, hate crimes, and abusive parents, with the help of a foster parent and his love for art. Set against the backdrop of a racially divided community, the film explores themes of love, bullying, and interracial adoption.
Biker Fox is an eccentric bicyclist and aspiring actor living in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This comedic documentary explores his unique lifestyle, which includes his love for bmx stunt riding and interaction with raccoons.
Made-for-IMAX documentary about the athletes of ESPN's Summer X games, including skateboarders, BMX riders, motocrossers, and street lugers.
Passionate BMX dirt jumper, Phin Cooper, wants nothing in life but to attain fame in his sport. After missing a competition when he lands in jail for unpaid citations, he is court-ordered for community service and reluctantly mentors one of the toughest boys, Blue Espinosa. As Phin leads the troubled teen on exciting adventures of riding dirt trails, big jumps and cityscapes, Blue becomes more than an obligation - an unlikely friend whose secret world of drug trafficking threatens Phin's ultimate dream. Featuring some of the best stunts in dirt jumping by legendary pros and hardcore locals, Heroes of Dirt is more than adrenaline rush. It embarks on an unforgettable journey into real significance, and the price it takes to get there.
Over the course of two years, this documentary follows two brothers and lifelong BMX riders, Marc and Richard Moore during a huge restoration project based in the East Sussex coastal town of Hastings. Their idea was simple, to build the world's largest underground skate park underneath the promenade of Hastings seafront inside a space that was once the public baths dating back to the 1800s but has since laid derelict for eighteen years.
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