In the romantic comedy film 'Plus One', Ben and Alice, two college friends, find themselves attending several weddings together in a single summer. As they navigate the world of wedding rituals, relationship problems, and awkward encounters, they realize that they may have more in common than they thought. With humor and emotion, 'Plus One' explores the complexities of friendship, love, and commitment.
Five kids are rewarded with extraordinary powers by an aging scientist. Their mission is to correct the wrong and injustice in the world. With dynamic effort and dazzling speed, the five superheroes face the evil Exxor and his men, who are bent on creating worldwide havoc. It's up to our super kids to save the world and restore order.
In Hunger Ward, director Skye Fitzgerald follows two female doctors as they work to save malnourished children in war-torn Yemen. The film exposes the devastating effects of the ongoing conflict on the young population, highlighting the urgent need for international intervention.
Maybe the 1960s, maybe the future. Seven astronauts wake up in a spaceship, not knowing where they have come from nor where they are heading. As the ship operates by itself, they have ample time to meditate, rather scientifically, on matter, life and the universe.
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