Pieces of April follows April Burns, a young woman who invites her estranged family for Thanksgiving dinner in her apartment. As April struggles to cook the big meal, her family deals with their own personal issues and the challenges of getting to her apartment. With a dying mother, a rebellious sister, and a father who is constantly belittling her, April's Thanksgiving becomes a chaotic yet heartwarming event.
Zero Days is a documentary that explores the world of cyber warfare, focusing on the Stuxnet virus, a top-secret project by the government communications headquarters. It delves into the cyber attacks on Iran and their consequences. The film examines the use of malware and computer worms like Stuxnet to infiltrate nuclear reactors and centrifuges, revealing the escalating cyber warfare between nations. Featuring reenactments and interviews with experts, Zero Days provides a gripping and eye-opening account of the hidden world of cybercrime.
Maybe the 1960s, maybe the future. Seven astronauts wake up in a spaceship, not knowing where they have come from nor where they are heading. As the ship operates by itself, they have ample time to meditate, rather scientifically, on matter, life and the universe.
A series of 12 miniature-cartoons that end when each one "pinks out."
While the other kids and animals find things to do on the farm, Farina becomes single-minded in his quest to do nothing at all.
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