Freezing is an action-packed anime TV show filled with adventure, drama, fantasy, and romance. Set in a futuristic world, it follows a group of warriors known as Pandoras who battle against terrifying creatures called Nova. The story revolves around Kazuya Aoi, a young boy who enrolls in a special academy to become a Limiter and teams up with a powerful Pandora named Satellizer el Bridget. Together, they face numerous challenges, uncover dark secrets, and forge deep bonds.
Ikki Tousen follows the story of Hakufu Sonsaku, a high school student and descendant of a legendary warrior. She becomes involved in the intense and dangerous battles between the seven high schools in the region. The schools each possess a mystical artifact, and the factions are vying for control. As Hakufu navigates the complexities of these conflicts, she must also confront her own destiny and inner power awakening.
Set in the 14th century, 'World Without End' follows the lives of the residents of Kingsbridge as they navigate the challenges of the Hundred Years' War and the devastating outbreak of the Black Death. The miniseries explores themes of betrayal, corruption, witch-hunts, and social upheaval in a time of turmoil and uncertainty.
Compañeros is a comedic spaghetti western set during the Mexican Revolution. It follows the adventures of a group of unlikely companions as they navigate the dangerous landscapes of the border. The film is filled with shootouts, chases, and hilarious moments as the characters find themselves in various predicaments. It is a fun and entertaining movie that combines action, comedy, and western elements.
Fascinated with women from an early age, Yonosuke had his first sexual encounter at the age of seven. From that day on, he recklessly and forwardly pursues women, feeding his fascination and experience. As Yonosuke's salacious behavior brings much cause for shame to the family, his father eventually breaks relations with him. Expelled from the family, 19-year-old Yonosuke embarks on a pilgrimage of lust, traveling far and wide to acquaint himself with women of all walks.
In The Big Pardon, a man tries to seek forgiveness for a major error he made. As he navigates the comedic and dramatic twists and turns, he becomes entangled in a world of crime and suspense. Will he be able to right his wrongs, or will his actions lead to further chaos and danger?
Based on a true story, a teenage girl is kidnapped in broad daylight and held captive by a dangerous criminal. As the days pass, she forms an unexpected bond with her captor, leading to a tense standoff between law enforcement and the kidnapper.
Famine is a dark comedy horror movie that follows the story of a serial killer who targets a school. The movie explores the twisted and psychopathic nature of the killer as he carries out his gruesome murders. Amidst the chaos, the students and faculty must try to survive and stop the killer before it's too late.
When a cop kills a criminal's brother, his life is in more danger than ever before; Sam Ramirez must do what he can to put an end to criminal activity in his city, while avoiding being in the line of fire.
"Star Vehicle" follows the downward spiral of movie driver Donald Cardini, a self-professed movie buff with a penchant for explosive violence when provoked. Driving the stars of low-budget movies, along with their fragile egos, to and from locations in the middle of nowhere, pushes Don's buttons in all of the wrong directions. When Luke, the young and self-absorbed writer/director challenges Don's authority, murder and mayhem ensues.
College friends embark on a GPS treasure hunt in search of money. Instead of finding buried treasure, they find a buried coffin that contains photos of a kidnapped woman and GPS coordinates that lead deeper into the forest. Are the photos real or part of a game?
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