Conviction is a biographical crime drama film based on the true story of Betty Anne Waters, a woman who fought to overturn her brother's wrongful murder conviction. Despite not having a high school diploma or a law degree, Betty Anne enrolls in law school and becomes her brother's defense attorney. With the help of DNA evidence, she works tirelessly for years to prove her brother's innocence and bring the real killer to justice.
A family moves into a haunted house in England and discovers a hidden secret room with a blood-smear altar. As they uncover the house's dark past, they are plagued by supernatural events and possession. The family must find a way to escape the haunting before it consumes them.
Child's Play is a tense and suspenseful movie set in a Catholic boys' school. A dedicated teacher becomes entangled in a sinister murder-play orchestrated by his students. As he tries to uncover the truth, he is faced with paranoia, suicide, and a deepening sense of danger.
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