Goal! is the story of Santiago Muñez, a young man living in the slums of Mexico who dreams of becoming a professional soccer player. Despite facing various obstacles, he manages to secure a tryout with a prestigious English football club. As Santiago embarks on this journey, he must navigate through the challenges of adapting to a new country, dealing with the pressures of the sport, and facing personal struggles.
Repli-Kate is a comedy sci-fi movie from 2002 about a journalist who accidentally creates a clone of herself. The movie follows the hilarious and chaotic adventures that ensue as the journalist tries to manage her own duplicate and keep her secret hidden.
Stitches is a gripping thriller drama that uncovers a web of corruption and conspiracy in a hospital. The story follows a physician who gets involved in a dangerous investigation after discovering a disturbing secret. As the plot unfolds, the protagonist faces stalking, a mother-daughter relationship, and the consequences of uncovering the truth. Based on a true story, this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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