Made In Abyss is a dark fantasy anime that follows the journey of a young girl named Riko. She ventures into the Abyss, a treacherous and mysterious chasm, in search of her mother who disappeared years ago. Along the way, she befriends a humanoid robot named Reg and together they face dangerous creatures, encounter ancient relics, and uncover the secrets of the Abyss.
Tell Me How I Die is a horror mystery thriller movie about a group of college students who participate in a drug trial and start having visions of their own deaths. As they try to unravel the mystery behind their prophetic visions, they find themselves trapped in a terrifying reality where their fates are predetermined.
A comedic and animated portrayal of the life of Monty Python member Graham Chapman, including his struggles with alcoholism, health issues, and his contribution to the iconic comedy group.
After losing her parents in a tragic traffic accident, Koto develops the ability to communicate with the souls of the dead. Hospitalized for extreme trauma, Koto escapes to return to the place where her parents died. There she meets Shinji, whose lover also died in a car accident, and they begin a torrid and tempestuous affair. The pair embark on an illicit and terrifying journey heightened by lust and death.
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