Cells at Work! is an edutainment anime based on the manga of the same name. It takes place inside the human body and follows the daily lives of anthropomorphized cells, particularly the red blood cell AE3803 and the white blood cell U-1146, as they work together to protect the body from germs and other threats.
ReGenesis is a thrilling drama TV show that explores the complexities of the medical and scientific world. Set in Canada, the series follows a team of dedicated scientists as they investigate and solve various medical and genetic mysteries. They tackle topics such as substance abuse, epidemics, pandemics, genetics, human cloning, and more. With high-stakes situations and moral dilemmas, ReGenesis provides an engaging and thought-provoking watch.
Cells at Work! CODE BLACK is a spinoff of the original series Cells at Work! and takes place in a universe where the human body is suffering from various health issues. It follows a red blood cell, who is a new recruit, as he navigates through a body ravaged by alcohol abuse, smoking, stress, and other vices. The series delves into the darker aspects of the human body, showcasing the struggles of different cells as they try to maintain balance and ensure the survival of the body.
Once Upon a Time... Life is an animated TV show that explores the inner workings of the human body. Join the anthropomorphic characters as they take you on a journey through the bloodstream, introducing you to different types of cells, bacteria, and viruses. This educational series provides a fun and informative look at biology.
The Clades, a legendary family of explorers, must overcome their differences as they embark on their most crucial mission.
The smallest protagonist in film history - a human cell! There are a staggering 37 trillion cells in the human body. Red blood cells that carry oxygen, white blood cells that fight bacteria, and countless other cells work tirelessly day and night to protect your health and life. The film will also focus on daughter and father, Niko and Shigeru as they both live different lifestyles, and as their lively days go on, pathogens start to sneak up on their bodies. The most epic battle in the history of human cells, with the future of Niko and Shigeru at stake, is about to begin!
In the 19th century, a scientist discovers a strange skeleton in New Guinea. He brings it back to his laboratory for study, but the creature is unleashed and goes on a rampage. As the scientist tries to stop the creature, he realizes that it may hold the key to unlocking the secrets of life and death. Will he be able to control the creature before it's too late?
When his grandfather becomes seriously ill, an 8-year-old boy embarks on a fantastical adventure inside his body to save him. Along the way, he encounters living cells, battles kidney stones, and discovers the importance of friendship and family.
This short animation transports us from the farthest conceivable point of the universe to the tiniest particle of existence, an atom of a living human cell. The art of animation and animation camera achieve this exhilarating journey with a freshness and clarity. Without words.
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