Close Enough is a surreal animated sitcom that follows the lives of a young couple, Josh and Emily, and their daughter Candice. They navigate the challenges of parenthood, marriage, and the ups and downs of adult life, all while living in a world filled with surrealism and strange happenings. With its quirky humor and relatable situations, Close Enough provides a unique and comedic look at the struggles of balancing work, relationships, and raising a child.
Banana Fish follows the story of Ash Lynx, a young gang leader in New York City. When he discovers a mysterious drug called Banana Fish, he becomes entangled in a dangerous and deadly conspiracy. With the help of Eiji, a kind-hearted photographer from Japan, Ash must navigate the treacherous underworld of gangs, assassins, and corrupt politicians to unravel the truth behind Banana Fish.
Brideshead Revisited is a captivating drama set in England during the interwar period. It follows the lives of an upper-class family and explores themes of love, friendship, religion, and the complexities of social class. The story is told through the eyes of Charles Ryder, a middle-class student at Oxford University, who becomes infatuated with the aristocratic Flyte family and their country estate, Brideshead. As Charles navigates the dynamics of the family and their relationships, he becomes entangled in their secrets and struggles, including issues of homosexuality, alcoholism, and the clash between religious beliefs and personal desires.
After spending graduation night together, Emma and Dexter go their separate ways — but their lives remain intertwined.
Given is a heartwarming TV show that follows the story of a young graduate student who joins a rock band made up of other talented musicians. Through their shared passion for music, the band members form deep connections and navigate the complexities of love, friendship, and self-discovery. The show explores themes of young love, LGBTQ relationships, and the healing power of music.
In a world filled with magic and technology, Prince Adam transforms into He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe, to defend the planet Eternia from the evil forces of Skeletor.
Stuart Pritchard, a socially awkward British man, moves to Los Angeles in search of love and friendship. He navigates the LA dating scene, forms a friendship with his tenant Jessica, and attends parties and clubs in his pursuit of a meaningful connection.
Captain Fall follows the story of a young but well-meaning sea captain who is unknowingly recruited as the figurehead for a notorious smuggling ring. Forced into this criminal organization, he must navigate the treacherous waters of the illegal trade while evading law enforcement. With the cartel's brutal control over him, the captain finds himself caught between loyalty and the desire for freedom.%s
Please Like Me follows the life of Josh, a young Australian man who, after being dumped by his girlfriend, realizes he is gay. The series explores his journey of self-discovery, as he navigates relationships, deals with his dysfunctional family, and copes with his own mental health issues, all while trying to find his place in the world.
After being framed for his sister's murder, Alex Guzmán discovers that there are dark secrets surrounding his family, and he embarks on a mission to unravel the truth and seek revenge against those responsible.
The New Adventures of He-Man is an animated TV show that follows the adventures of He-Man, a powerful superhero from the future, as he battles against the evil Skeletor and his army of mutants.
Driven follows the story of a young race car driver who enters the dangerous world of car racing. Along the way, he faces various challenges and obstacles, including rival drivers, personal relationships, and the constant thrill of speed. With high-stakes races, intense competition, and a drive for redemption, this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Shaun the Sheep and his friends find themselves in an unexpected Christmas adventure when they end up in the big city and have to find their way back home.
Given follows the story of Ritsuka Uenoyama, a high school student who has lost interest in playing guitar. One day, he comes across Mafuyu Sato, a boy who is carrying a broken guitar. Ritsuka decides to fix the guitar and teaches Mafuyu how to play it. As they spend more time together and Mafuyu reveals his troubled past through his emotional lyrics, Ritsuka starts to develop feelings for him. The two join a rock band called 'Given,' and as they navigate their musical journey, they also explore their complicated emotions and struggle with their own personal demons.
Mommy is a drama about a single mother who is trying to raise her troubled teenage son. The movie explores their relationship and the challenges they face as they navigate through life.
Interstella5555: The 5tory of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem is a musical adventure in space, where a band of aliens kidnaps a famous Earth musician and takes him on a journey to their home planet.
Operation Christmas Drop follows the story of Erica, a hardworking congressional aide who is sent to a tropical island to investigate the annual tradition of a military base dropping Christmas gifts to neighboring islands. While there, she meets Captain Andrew, who is passionate about the operation. As Erica immerses herself in the island's Christmas spirit, she begins to question her own beliefs and finds herself falling for the captain. Together, they navigate the challenges of love, family, and duty in this heartwarming holiday film.
Rådebank is a drama TV show that follows the story of a teenager who is struggling with a recent breakup. He finds solace in the adrenaline-filled world of street racing, exploring youth, friendship, and personal growth. Set in the countryside, the show captures the raw emotions and challenges faced by the main character as he navigates through his turbulent life. With text messaging appearing on the screen to depict modern communication, Rådebank provides an authentic portrayal of the experiences of the protagonist.