Mo' Better Blues is a captivating comedy-drama film set in 1990s New York City. It follows the story of a talented saxophonist and his struggles to balance his love for jazz music, his complex relationships, and his pursuit of success. The film explores themes of friendship, love, rivalry, and the challenges faced by African-American musicians in the industry. With stunning performances and an engaging storyline, Mo' Better Blues is an entertaining watch for music and movie enthusiasts alike.
Surge is a movie about a man in London who goes on a self-destructive journey. He engages in extreme acts such as self-harm, eating glass, and undressing in public. His actions escalate when he robs an airport and goes on a foot chase. The movie explores themes of mental breakdown and temporary insanity.
Vinod (Master Raghu) and Anitha (Devi) are classmates in school and have their own private problems. Vinod's stepmother wants to seduce him, and Anitha is an illegitimate child that her mother never wanted. On a rainy day they take shelter in a train wagon, which starts moving before they could get out and stops next in a forest area a long way away from home. There, they find a couple of recluses - a widow and an ex-army officer - living their own lives and willing to accept them. As they were in early puberty they live like normal children. But as puberty stage starts, both experiences lust over each other. The widow accepts them as foster children and perform their marriage, but fate intervenes as an incurable disease for Anitha.
A biographical film about Finnish singer J. Alfred Tanner and his path through a failed career as a construction master to become a highly successful couplet singer - the "king of couplets".
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