Made In Abyss is a dark fantasy anime that follows the journey of a young girl named Riko. She ventures into the Abyss, a treacherous and mysterious chasm, in search of her mother who disappeared years ago. Along the way, she befriends a humanoid robot named Reg and together they face dangerous creatures, encounter ancient relics, and uncover the secrets of the Abyss.
After being attacked and left blind, Ellen Ashland struggles to adapt to her new life. She becomes increasingly paranoid when a mysterious intruder begins tormenting her in her own home.
In 1691, a warlock, a male witch, is sentenced to death but escapes through a portal to present-day Los Angeles. He is pursued by a witch hunter who is determined to stop him from fulfilling a prophecy. As the warlock seeks to unleash supernatural powers and bring about the end of the world, the witch hunter races against time to stop him and save humanity.
In a small town, a mysterious curse causes the residents to commit mass suicides. A group of teenagers must unravel the dark secrets behind the curse before they become its next victims.
“Superpower girl” Mina, is in the top of her class, the center of attention and the envy of everyone. “No-power girl” Juri is the total opposite, as her classmates sometimes forget she even exists. One day, Mina can't seem to close her eyelids, while Juri discovers her hidden powers.
Child's Play is a tense and suspenseful movie set in a Catholic boys' school. A dedicated teacher becomes entangled in a sinister murder-play orchestrated by his students. As he tries to uncover the truth, he is faced with paranoia, suicide, and a deepening sense of danger.
A group of actors gather in a remote Northeastern town to rehearse for a mysterious stage production, only to be plunged into a hellish world where their real lives mirror the grisly story of the play.
In 'Doomsday Machine,' an astronaut must stop a doomsday device from causing the end of the world. Along the way, he encounters space travel, radiation, and the threat of nuclear war.
A teenage girl with acting dreams, an empty wallet, and a broken heart is approached by a charming man who promises her fame, fortune, and affection—if she agrees to livestream herself crying for his niche website,
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