In a distant future after 2050, in a world where consciousness can be transferred between bodies, a former soldier is hired to solve a murder, uncovering a web of deceit and violence. Set in San Francisco, this techno-thriller explores themes of virtual reality, biotechnology, and resistance against a corrupt society.
In a future where synthetic farming has solved food shortages, a Blade Runner discovers a secret that leads him to a missing former Blade Runner. As he investigates, he begins to question his own identity and the line between humans and replicants. He must navigate a dangerous world and confront the powerful Wallace Corporation to uncover the truth.
Blade Runner: Black Lotus is an animated TV show set in the year 2032, in a dystopian city where hyperealistic-animation technology has become a part of everyday life. The story revolves around a mysterious woman who embarks on a mission of revenge, taking on powerful forces while uncovering deep secrets about herself and the city. With stunning animation and intense action, Blade Runner: Black Lotus explores themes of artificial intelligence, cyberpunk, and the human experience in a technologically advanced world.
In a dystopian future, a blade runner is tasked with hunting down and killing four replicants who have escaped from space and returned to Earth. As he tracks them, he discovers their desire to meet their creator. The story explores themes of identity, humanity, and the blurred lines between artificial and real.
Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams is a sci-fi anthology series that explores various themes such as alternate reality, dystopian future, and high-tech advancements. Each episode is based on a short story by Philip K. Dick and takes place in different timeframes, ranging from near-future to epic sci-fi settings. The series delves into thought-provoking concepts like artificial intelligence, alien encounters, and the impact of technology on society.
In a dark future, a saboteur is responsible for causing a blackout in the year 2022, leading to chaos and destruction. As the countdown begins, a group of rebels must stop the sabotage and save the city from further loss of power.
In a future world where replicants are banned, an industrialist demonstrates his new Nexus 9 replicants to a committee, highlighting their obedience and lack of emotions, but a demonstration goes wrong, leading to a tense situation.
In the year 2048, a mother and daughter struggle to survive in a dystopian Los Angeles. When a mysterious stranger enters their lives, they are forced to confront their own beliefs and make difficult choices.
The sequel to Anamorphia (2020), Josh (Joshua Yeo) awakens from the dream, only to follow the rabbit hole, to unexpected consequences.
Inspired by the classic movie Blade Runner and the book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Jeter is an android hunter who is investigating a moon bus hijacking that crashed near the coast of Macau. But when he becomes friends with a female android Marie he starts to second guess his job.
On the eve of the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, Jonnie Peacock is on a mission to help five young amputees realise their sporting potential. Over the course of a year-long training camp, Jonnie uses state of the art technology, inspirational guests and his own experiences to get the kids to achieve things they never thought possible in this epic in scope but intimate documentary two-part series.
Slice of Life is a neo-noir, cyberpunk fan-film that pays homage to Blade Runner. Set in a futuristic dystopia, a police officer battles against a powerful drug dealer. The story explores themes of corruption, technology, and the blurred line between humans and machines.
In the year 2070, the planet Earth is ruled by a single government entity and a conglomeration of corporations that hold absolute power. The crime rate is virtually nonexistent and the Citizens Protection Bureau defends the innocent from unchecked sociotechnological forces. But when the Bureau partner of Agent David Hume is dramatically gunned down, Hume's determination to uncover the dangerous truth behind this shocking crime leads him on a pulse-pounding race through the galaxy.
A man who is paranoid and deluded by his own conspiracies that someone out there is after him must come to terms with the root of his suffering.
Clerics are psi-enhanced women warriors with the ability to see potential future outcomes of events and can manipulate reality.
In a dystopian Los Angeles future, retirement engineer John Kampff hunts down suspected Replicant Andy Smith. As John soon learns, Replicant detection is nearly impossible without specialist equipment.
In the year 2525, Macao is the only surviving metropolis in the world. After the final wars our world is controlled by corrupt companies. Breeding children is illegal and are forced to move off World. To survive the earth, some people are forced to remain there and cloning has started to keep the planet alive. However a resistance group are against the this new brutal law and go against the company. Sebastian is working for the company and hunt down the resistance, however when he meet his own clone he relies he has been replaced and go against the company.