Tales of the Grim Sleeper is a true crime documentary that explores the hunt for a serial killer in Los Angeles. The film delves into the investigation and the impact on the community, focusing on the troubled history of the area and the challenges faced by law enforcement. It sheds light on the lives of the victims, the efforts of the police to solve the case, and the shocking revelations that come to light. Through interviews and footage, the documentary explores the complexities of the case and raises important questions about the criminal justice system.
Exploring the crimes of infamous serial killer Lonnie Franklin Jr. who preyed on women in South Central Los Angeles over a span of 25 years; exploring the personal stories of the victims who were all but forgotten.
Decades of unsolved murders, predominantly of Black women, haunt the country until a DNA breakthrough exposes the Grim Sleeper, one of the nation's most notorious killers.
America has a fascination with serial killers. Many of them are household names, Ted Bundy, John Wade Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer. But there is another group of serial killers with even higher body counts. However, chances are you've never heard of Samuel Little, The Grim Sleeper, or The Sunday Morning Slasher. Combined these men have 85 confirmed murders. There are no books, movies, or television shows about these killers. Why? Because they are black serial killers. Filmmaker Sean Reid explores black serial killers and the lack of public information and media representation about them. Reid interviews Allan Branson, a criminal justice professor. Branson discusses the history of African-American serial killers and the negative stereotypes and biases that have influenced their portrayal in the media.
The complete story of Henry Louis Wallace and the panic he unleashed in the city of Charlotte has never been told on television before," says Henry Schleiff Group President of Investigation Discovery, Travel Channel, Destination America and American Heroes Channel. "'Bad Henry' showcases the fearless tenacity of Garry McFadden and his team in their efforts to capture this killer, providing justice, and most importantly, closure to the victims and their families
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