Nana is a comedy-drama movie released in 1983. The story revolves around two women named Nana, who lead very different lives. One is an exotic dancer and the other is a fan dancer. They meet and their lives become intertwined, leading to comedic and dramatic situations. The movie explores themes of love, friendship, and personal growth.
Instant Swamp is a hilarious comedy that follows the story of a man who finds himself caught up in a series of absurd situations in a small town. From running man races to pet rabbit superstitions, the film explores the quirky and unpredictable nature of life in rural Japan. With a touch of romance and a lot of laughs, Instant Swamp is a delightful movie that will leave audiences entertained and wanting more.
A story of a small-town boy growing up in love and despair and family troubles that make him take on a critical attitude towards his surroundings. Mato does not fulfill his father's wish for devoting his free time to playing soccer. Mato enjoys fishing with his friend Robo much more. He dreams of his schoolmate Terka and of an adventurous run-away from home.
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