Santa's Workshop is a heartwarming animated short film from 1932 that shows the behind-the-scenes work that goes into preparing for Christmas in Santa's Workshop. The film follows Santa's elves as they make toys, wrap presents, and get everything ready for the big day. It's a charming and nostalgic look at the magic of Christmas.
Funny Little Bunnies follows a group of animated bunnies as they paint Easter eggs and prepare for the holiday.
The Compleat Al (a title parody/homage of the 1982 documentary ‘The Compleat Beatles’) is a mockumentary about the life of "Weird Al" Yankovic, the Grammy® award-winning master of musical parody and rock-and-roll comedy, from his birth to 1985. Although a mockumentary, it is roughly based on Yankovic's real life, beginning with his childhood years, his high school and college days, and up through his early-career rise to stardom. This semi-concocted chronicle also contains classic moments from AL-TV, footage from his trip to Japan, and a somewhat embellished version of how he received permission from Michael Jackson for "Eat It". And to top it off, The Compleat Al contains eight "Weird Al" music video classics: "Ricky", "I Love Rocky Road", the award-winning "Eat It", "I Lost on Jeopardy", "This Is the Life", "Like a Surgeon", "One More Minute", and "Dare to Be Stupid"!
A wildcat escapes from the zoo, disguises herself as a skunk to fool her pursuers, but that only attracts lovestruck Pepe le Pew.
Paris, 1913: Passionate, odiferous Pepe Le Pew pursues the latest love of his life, a cat who's been made up to look like a skunk, through the sets of a silent-movie studio.
Foghorn Leghorn and a cat fight over a worm. The cat wants the worm as bait for a fish, while Foghorn just wants the worm for a quick snack.
In Odor-Able Kitty, Pepe Le Pew falls in love with a cat who accidentally gets black paint dumped on her, making her smell like a skunk.
Big Bad Wolf and his nephew create a club for rabbits, Club del Conejo, to try to catch Bugs Bunny.
In Judge Wimpy's courtroom, Bluto accuses Popeye of assault and battery; he claims to have been attacked by him on several occasions, without provocation. Popeye then tells his side.
A mouse, being chased by a cat, enlists the help of a sleeping bulldog. When the dog awakes, the mouse hides in a hen's nest, and the cat disguises himself as a hen - and even does a hen imitation when the chicks hatch. The mouse then keeps pointing out the cat's hiding places, but when he points to a dump where the cat isn't hiding, the dog turns on him. The mouse paints an apple black and lights the fuse, but it explodes and sends him to mouse heaven.
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