The Green Inferno follows the story of a group of friends who embark on a treasure hunt in the jungle. However, their adventure quickly turns into a nightmare as they encounter a dangerous crime ring, witch doctors, and face gruesome challenges such as actual animal killings, shrunken heads, and human sacrifices. With their lives at stake, they must navigate through treacherous obstacles and find a way to escape the horrors of the jungle.
Coma is a mystery thriller about a young doctor who discovers a dark secret within her hospital. She uncovers a conspiracy involving the illegal organ trade, and must race against time to expose the truth before becoming the next victim.
In a post-apocalyptic future, a karate master takes on cyborgs and black market organ traffickers in a battle to save humanity. With explosive shootouts, intense martial arts fights, and a tough-as-nails hero, Future Kick is a high-octane action sci-fi film that leaves you on the edge of your seat.
After the tragic murder of his daughter, a vigilante cop takes justice into his own hands and goes on a relentless mission to seek vengeance against a criminal gang involved in organ trafficking. With a tragic past motivating his every move, he uses his skills to bring down the ruthless criminals and bring justice to the streets.
A speeding ambulance abducts three beautiful young women to a sinister medical center where someone is making a killing selling healthy human organs on the black market.
On friday night five young friends turning into a nightmare when the driver of their vehicle plows into a pregnant woman and a mysterious "doctor" appears out of the blue to help. Once in the doctor's "office," however, the friends realize they've stumbled into the darkest business imaginable a market in recycled body parts, some of which could turn out to be theirs.
A good-looking young man suffering from a body dysmorphic disorder gets lured into a beauty treatment and trapped in a nightmare of illegal organ trade.
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