Black Lightning follows the story of Jefferson Pierce, a retired superhero known as Black Lightning. After hanging up his costume and mask, Pierce becomes a high school teacher and principal in the city of Freeland. However, he is forced to return to crime-fighting when a local gang threatens his daughters' safety. Using his superhuman abilities to control electricity, Black Lightning must navigate the challenges of balancing his dual identities while protecting his family and the community from various threats.
The Justice League discovers the existence of a parallel Earth where the heroes are evil and the villains are good. They must stop their evil counterparts from destroying both Earths. Packed with action, adventure, and fantasy, this movie showcases the iconic superheroes like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and more.
When Superman and Batman are falsely accused of murder by President Lex Luthor, they must work together to prove their innocence and take down the corrupt leader. With the help of their superhero allies, they uncover a conspiracy that threatens the entire world.
Join Kevin Smith as he takes you into one of the greatest crossover events in television history.
Growing up a superhero is hard enough, but it's even harder with a super dad and a super sister.
While on a mission to rescue the kidnapped mayor of Metropolis, Jefferson Pierce aka (Black Lightning) faces his nemesis Tobias Whale and several high ranking members of the 100 gang making it his toughest battle yet.
A what if story set in the Detective Comics Universe. Catch your favorite heroes and villains in this epic live action/animated feature. Created for the fans by a fan. Superman goes rogue in this 45 minute high-energy and action packed movie brought to you by Striking Star Productions. The Justice League, Teen Titans and an all star cast of DC's favorite characters clash in this game changing comic book movie event. Will Superman destroy the world? Can the world's finest stop the onslaught of the invading Red Lantern Corps. The comic book world will never be the same.
Black Lightning is recruited as an undercover cop to infiltrate Ricky Rodriguez, also known as 'The Mexecutioner', and find out where a major drug deal is about to happen. Meanwhile, Twist Jackson, a past nemesis of Black's, treks across the state in pursuit of him with his own agenda.
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