In Alien Expedition, a team of explorers ventures into space to explore an alien world. During their mission, they come across a deadly alien creature. As they try to survive and escape, they face various challenges and encounters, including sniper attacks, damaged androids, and a humanoid robot. The plot also involves a human-android relationship and explores themes of survival and betrayal. Ultimately, the group must find a way to defeat the alien creature and make it back to their spacecraft.
In a village subsisting on its herring fishery, a one-eyed criminal named Jakoman terrorizes the inhabitants. One of them, the son of the head of one of the fish companies by the name of Tetsu, decides to overthrow Jakoman and his cohorts.
Sweet Sea, an adorable mermaid princess and her friends Mud-Puppy, Purrsia, Sea Star and Goldie stand up to Sheba the Sea Serpent and her squirmy sidekick to retrieve Sweet Sea's stolen magical shell necklace.
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