Taking Sides is a drama movie set in post-World War II Berlin. The story revolves around Major Steve Arnold, a U.S. Army officer assigned to investigate Wilhelm Furtwängler, a famous German conductor accused of collaborating with the Nazi regime. As Arnold delves deeper into the case, he becomes conflicted as he uncovers the complexities of Furtwängler's actions during the war and the impact it had on his career. The movie explores themes of morality, art, and personal convictions.
A full-time carer plots a daring heist from the Houses of Parliament, in a bid to thwart devastating welfare reforms known as Independence Credit.
Mirage is a drama set in war-torn Macedonia, following the story of a young boy who finds hope and resilience amidst the destruction. The film explores themes of family, identity, and the power of art to heal.
Hip-Hop Culture and Graffiti Video Magazine
Flavio is the Panday, the savior of mankind from the evil Lisardo. Panday goes against all odds to fight all of Lisardo's greed so that goodness will once again prevail over their land.
On The Go Magazine Hip-Hop Graffiti Video
A military squad leader returns to his base, bringing a confiscated book that contains names of leaders and financiers of the rebels. But before he could present the book to his higher officials, rebels attack his base. The officer is killed and the rebels flee taking back the book and the girlfriend of the officer's assistant who is the lone survivor of the attack. Higher ups form a task force, headed by the lone survivor, to retrieve the book -- and his girlfriend.
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