In the beautiful yet isolated landscapes of Iceland, a couple living on a sheep farm finds themselves facing the grief of their child's death and the challenges of their strained relationship. Their lives take a dark twist when a mysterious lamb is born, leading to a series of unsettling events that involve body horror, psychological suspense, and supernatural elements. As the couple navigates through their own mental turmoil, they must confront the horrifying transformation happening around them.
Mektoub, My Love: Canto Uno is a comedy-drama romance film set in the 1990s. It follows a group of friends on their summer vacation in the South of France. The film explores themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery as the characters navigate relationships and face life-changing experiences. The plot revolves around a shy boy named Amin, who is torn between his unrequited love for a spurned woman and his attraction to a free-spirited Russian girl.
Gabbeh is a fable-like movie about the life of a young woman in a nomadic community. The story revolves around her courtship, marriage, and the unhappiness she experiences in her married life. The movie explores themes of tradition, yearning, and the search for happiness.
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