Big Love is a drama series that tells the story of Bill Henrickson, a polygamist living in Utah with three wives. The show follows the challenges and struggles of maintaining multiple relationships, dealing with societal judgments, and the complex dynamics within the family. Bill's attempt to balance his beliefs, family, and personal desires create a compelling narrative filled with love, conflict, and secrecy.
In a world where families are limited to one child due to overpopulation, a set of identical septuplets must avoid being put to a long sleep by the government and dangerous infighting while investigating the disappearance of one of their own. In 2073, overpopulation causes a worldwide crisis. A strict one-child policy is enforced by the Child Allocation Bureau. When multiple children are born to one mother, all but the eldest are put into cryosleep. Karen Settman dies when she gives birth to identical stippled sisters. Their grandfather Terrence names them after the days of the week and trains them to pose as a single individual named after their mother. To safeguard their secret, Terrence ensures they share information at a meeting on a daily basis and replicates any accident that affects one of the sisters' physical appearance. The sisters develop a system of wigs and makeup to cover any identifying features. Terrence reminds them of the importance of going out only one at a time, and that what happens to one of them must happen to all of them. When Thursday breaks the rules by going out on a day that isn't hers, she injures one of her fingers, severing it at the first knuckle. A disappointed Terrence is forced to remove the same portion of finger from all the girls to maintain a single appearance, starting with Monday. Decades later, the sisters have all managed to survive without suspicion...
In a dystopian future where overpopulation is a major issue, a man named John Brennick is sent to a high-tech prison called the Fortress. In the Fortress, prisoners are controlled through implanted devices and subjected to brutal punishment. When Brennick's wife becomes pregnant, he becomes determined to escape in order to save her and their unborn child. With the help of fellow inmates, Brennick must find a way to outsmart the high-tech security and oppressive regime of the Fortress. Will he succeed in his mission and secure a future for his family?
Set in 1960s Paris, the film follows a married woman as she grapples with her crumbling marriage and explores her desires. She navigates through a series of encounters and experiences that challenge societal norms and expectations, leading her to question her own sense of identity and happiness.
In 'Picture Perfect', Kate is a working woman who is passed over for a promotion because she is single. To make her boss believe that she is engaged, she hires a man named Nick to pose as her fiance. Things get complicated when Kate starts to develop real feelings for Nick. Will their fake relationship turn into a real one?
4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days is a gripping drama set in 1980s Romania, where a young woman named Gabita seeks an illegal abortion with the help of her roommate Otilia. As they navigate through a bureaucratic and dangerous journey, they encounter various challenges, including confronting their own fears and desperate measures. The film explores the themes of communism, sexual abuse, and the resilience of friendship in the face of adversities.
Vera Drake is a dedicated wife and mother in 1950s England who secretly performs illegal abortions. When her actions are discovered, she faces a criminal trial that exposes the injustice and double standards of the time.
So Long, My Son tells the story of two families, whose lives intertwine over several decades, as they navigate the complexities of love, loss, and the effects of China's one-child policy.
After a regrettable sexual encounter, a high school student named Sunny discovers that she needs a Plan B pill. Along with her slacker best friend, she embarks on a hilarious and empowering journey to find the pill before it's too late.
Locust is a gripping crime drama thriller that explores the dark side of a dysfunctional marriage. It follows the story of a woman trapped in an abusive relationship with an alcoholic husband. As the husband's alcoholism spirals out of control, their lives become entangled with drugs, affairs, and violence. The movie delves into the depths of despair, showing the devastating effects of addiction on individuals and their relationships.
Louis Malle called his gorgeous and groundbreaking Phantom India the most personal film of his career. And this extraordinary journey to India, originally shown as a miniseries on European television, is infused with his sense of discovery, as well as occasional outrage, intrigue, and joy.
Daddy and Them is a comedy-drama movie set in Arkansas, where a dysfunctional family faces a series of challenges and conflicts during a family reunion. The plot revolves around the complicated relationships and unresolved issues within the family, as well as their attempts to navigate through various chaotic situations. With elements of jealousy, marital strife, drunkness, and a touch of southern USA culture, Daddy and Them offers a humorous yet introspective look at family dynamics.
Close to Eden (1991) is a heartwarming adventure that follows the story of a Russian truck driver and his Mongolian wife as they navigate the challenges of life in rural Russia. The film explores themes of family relationships, cultural differences, and the power of love. As they face adversity and cultural clashes, they learn to appreciate and understand each other's backgrounds, leading to a deeper bond. Close to Eden is a beautiful portrayal of the strength of love and the importance of acceptance.
Lake of Fire is a powerful documentary that delves into the contentious abortion debate in the United States, examining the perspectives of both pro-life and pro-choice advocates. Through interviews and footage, the film explores the deeply held beliefs, extreme actions, and legal battles surrounding the issue.
Lisa, a 14-year-old girl, has a crush on a handsome stranger she met at a flower shop. She starts receiving prank calls from an anonymous caller who gradually becomes more sinister. As Lisa's infatuation grows, she becomes the target of a psychopathic killer who is determined to have her. Lisa's life is in jeopardy as she tries to uncover the identity of the killer.
In a dystopian future where Earth is heavily polluted and overpopulated, a couple living in a biosphere dome finds themselves faced with the prospect of having a child. However, due to strict population control measures, they must choose between breaking the law and facing dire consequences or living childless. As they struggle with their decision, they also uncover the truth about their society and the bleak future that awaits them.
A quiet farmer father and his son set out on a trip to the pharmacy after the teen has a little accident with his girlfriend.
Stephanie Daley is a 16-year-old high school student who becomes pregnant and is accused of killing her newborn baby. A forensic psychologist and a female psychologist both try to uncover the truth behind the tragedy. As the investigation unfolds, Stephanie's past and her relationships with her boyfriend, her father, and her friends are revealed, leading to a media frenzy and a high-profile trial.
Fact-based story of a legal battle fought over custody of five siblings.
The Debut tells the story of an adult man who becomes involved in a romantic and sexual relationship with a teenage girl. Their forbidden love creates tension and challenges their morals and the society around them.