The Unholy Three follows a group of criminals who use disguises to pull off a series of robberies. Along the way, they encounter unrequited love, betrayal, and a murder trial. This silent film combines elements of macabre and redemption, set against the backdrop of a Christmas Eve.
In 'The Room Upstairs,' a man strangles a woman to death, leading to a fatal accident that sets off a chain of events. Class differences, construction sites, and love at first sight are intertwined in this story of despair and the trial that follows.
An estranged family goes through the painful process of healing their wounds in this drama set in modern-day Singapore.
A pet shop specializing in birds. The various caged birds chirp along to the score in their various styles (including a set of birds that looks like the Marx Brothers). A cat eyes the proceedings hungrily and makes his way in through an open transom, causing panic and an organized counterattack.
Monpti is a Hungarian painter living in Paris. He falls in love with a woman who tragically dies, leaving him heartbroken. Monpti finds himself in a series of coincidences and misfortunes, including being hit by a car. Throughout the film, he experiences moments of irony and manipulation. Monpti eventually finds solace in a nun and learns to cope with his tragic past.
A wealthy businessman joins his servant, who has won a winter getaway, on the trip, but at the hotel where they stay the servant is mistaken for the master.
Jack Hearne, known as the Romany Rye, prefers living with the gypsies rather than claiming the right to his part of his half brother Phillip Royston's country estate, Cragsnest. When he saves Ruth Heckett, the daughter of his friend Joe, a London bird shop owner and burglar, from a theater fire, however, he changes his mind and marries her. As Ruth and Jack board a steamer for America to find witnesses to his parents' wedding for proof of his inheritance, Joe's partner Bos gives Ruth a Bible that he stole from Cragsnest, as a present.
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