The Holy Innocents is a dramatic movie set in rural 1960s Spain, exploring themes of wealth, poverty, family relationships, and sacrifice. The story revolves around a peasant family and their struggles to survive in a countryside dominated by a wealthy landowner. As they navigate the harsh realities of their lives, they are faced with difficult choices and heartbreaking moments, including murder and the killing of animals. Based on a novel, this movie is a powerful portrayal of the challenges faced by the rural working class in a changing society.
A psychological thriller-horror feature film set in the dark London winter. The film centres on a performance artist with a scarred body and mind, Suzie, who soon finds herself drawn into a sado-masochistic triangular love affair.
A young girl in the hills of Indiana, who had been abandoned by her family and raised by a bootlegging old woman, is taken by the authorities and made the ward of a childless couple.
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