grown-ish is a comedy-drama TV show that explores the challenges and experiences of young adults in college. It follows a diverse group of friends as they navigate relationships, personal growth, and the complexities of university life. The show tackles themes of identity, sexuality, friendship, and the pressures of adulthood, all within the backdrop of American culture and college campus dynamics.
This Life follows a group of twenty-something solicitors in London as they navigate the challenges of their personal and professional lives. With themes of love, sexuality, career aspirations, and family relationships, the show delves into the complexities of modern adulthood.
Go Fish is a comedy drama that follows the story of a group of friends as they navigate relationships, deception, and self-discovery. With an all-female crew, the film explores themes of friendship, lust, and the complexities of lesbian relationships. The episodic structure and montage sequences add depth to the story, while the female director's perspective brings a unique and authentic portrayal of lesbian culture.
Chutney Popcorn is a heartwarming comedy-drama that explores the complex relationships and challenges faced by a lesbian woman who agrees to become a surrogate mother for her sister. The film delves into themes of family, love, and the search for identity in the context of Indian-American culture.
This documentary explores the bisexual youth subculture in mid-00's America.
Believe it or not, Mick Jagger was not the first bisexual. In fact, 'going both ways' dates back to ancient Greece, when heterosexuality was not the norm. This fascinating documentary, featuring John Cameron Mitchell and French pop star Yelle, explores and uncovers the history and modern-day perceptions of this often misunderstood culture. Interviews with prominent artists, designers, and writers are interspersed with archival footage from around the world.
A man returns home after a restraining order from his ex times out. She has been waiting for this moment to reconcile, but her idea of making amends is a little twisted.
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