Half Girlfriend is a story of a boy named Madhav and a girl named Riya. Madhav is a rural boy who comes to Delhi for higher studies and falls in love with Riya, a rich and beautiful girl. Despite their different backgrounds, they develop a deep connection. However, their relationship faces numerous challenges due to their different social statuses and personal struggles. It is a heartwarming tale of love, acceptance, and self-discovery.
Der Film portraitiert eine Gruppe von Microsoft-Aussteigern: im Ruhestand mit 32, Multimillionäre und ohne die geringste Idee, was sie mit dem Rest ihres Leben anstellen sollen. Ihre Jahre im Unternehmen, der Hype des Goldrausches und das Adrenalin des Erfolges hat sie ausgebrannt und doch sind sie entschlossen mehr aus ihrem Leben zu machen - vor allem Sinn und Bedeutung in der wirklichen Welt zu finden.
Software Blues is an upcoming Indian language Telugu Film ,It is software Romantic Comedy.
A thought-provoking documentary that delves into the connection between the World Health Organization and powerful lobbyists. It exposes the influence of corporate interests on global health policies, covering topics such as migration, polio, oil, uranium, and more. The film uncovers alleged cover-ups, corruption, and the impact on public health.
A documentary examining the December 2nd, 1999 assassination of Microsoft CEO Bill Gates in Los Angeles, and the group of key players seeking to unravel the mystery of his alleged assassin as well as the circumstances surrounding his death.
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