Hellsing Ultimate is a dark fantasy TV show set in a world where vampires and humans coexist. The story follows the Hellsing Organization, led by its powerful vampire slayer Alucard, as they battle against supernatural threats and protect humanity from the forces of evil. With intense action, gore, and a complex storyline, Hellsing Ultimate is a thrilling and violent ride through a world of immortality and supernatural conspiracy.
Brandon Heat, a former hitman, is killed and later resurrected as "Beyond the Grave." With his best friend Harry, he seeks revenge against a criminal syndicate in a dystopian city.
In a distant future, a group of Ultramarines are sent to a desert planet to hold a monastery from a demonic possession. They must battle against a religious cult's forces and face the corruption within their ranks.
When a new breed of giant tarantulas is accidentally unleashed on a movie set in Fort Lauderdale, a group of VIPs, including a movie star, must fight off the creatures and stop a disaster from happening.
In a post-apocalyptic future, a soldier seeks revenge against a tyrant who rules over a wasteland. Armed with a machine gun and a muscle car, he becomes a one-man army against the villain and his motorcycle gang. Set in Alaska, the film features epic shootouts, explosive car chases, and intense battles.
In this comedy movie, a soldier accidentally becomes invisible after being exposed to a special invisibility paint. He uses his newfound ability to play pranks on his fellow soldiers and officers. However, his invisibility also leads to some unexpected and hilarious consequences. Will he be able to find a way to become visible again before it's too late?
During wartime, Pluto is assigned to guard a military base. Chip and Dale, two mischievous chipmunks, attempt to steal Pluto's stash of acorns, leading to a comical series of events.
A Glimpse of Hell is a drama film based on a true story, depicting a military investigation into a tragic explosion aboard a US Navy battleship in the 1980s. As the investigation unfolds, a shocking cover-up and the role of homosexuality in the military come to light. The film explores themes of loyalty, honor, and the struggle for justice.
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