The Casagrandes follows the daily adventures of an extended family, including a teenage boy, his younger sister, and their cousin. They navigate city life, skateboard in the streets, and deal with the ups and downs of living in a large family. With themes of family, friendship, and diversity, this show is perfect for kids and adults alike.
Kid Cosmic follows the adventures of a young boy who discovers cosmic stones that give him superpowers. With the help of his friends, he fights off an alien invasion and protects his small town from danger.
A career woman in San Francisco wishes for the perfect family for Christmas. She gets the chance to experience alternative storylines and find her destiny.
Merette is a pretty child, living within a patrician, strictly Calvinist family in the Switzerland of the 19th century. She is happy, until her mother dies, and Merette blames God, and gives up her religion. Her family turns against her, the villagers reject her, and her priest drives her into isolation.
The film begins with Ben Turpin looking for some food. He's a hobo and is resorting to trying to steal food from a baby. That 'baby' is actually four year-old midget, Billy Barty. After spending some time in the park mooching, the film changes locales--to a beauty salon.
One-off documentary taking a sometimes humorous look at the lives of dog owners who share their homes with some of the largest breeds of dog.
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