A high-school girl Itō, captivated by women's bicycle racing “Girls Keirin,” enters a training school and has a fateful encounter with Hiratsuka, who becomes both their lifelong rival and close friend. They practice and compete together, to realize their dream, to win the top title of Keirin athlete, “Girls' Fresh Queens”!
A woman clones her deceased lover and raises him as her own son, causing controversy and exploring themes of motherhood, love, and ethical boundaries. As the boy grows up, their relationship becomes increasingly complicated and taboo.
During World War I, a British soldier is sent to a French village to disarm a time bomb set by the Germans. He discovers that the village is filled with colorful characters and falls in love with a young woman who believes he is the king of hearts.
Urbanized is a documentary film about the design of cities, and how they impact our lives. It explores the challenges and opportunities of urbanization, with a focus on sustainable development, transportation infrastructure, public spaces, and the effects of overcrowding. The film features interviews with architects, urban planners, and community activists from around the world, showcasing innovative design solutions and inspiring stories of urban transformation.
With the discovery of an ancient puzzle box, a Boy, with the help of his friends, begins an adventure to find his fortune.
Young couple Mark and Jane are forced to thrash out marital problems in a borrowed room in Jane’s parents’ tiny house. Meanwhile, Jane’s cousin, Jim - back from the war in Korea - and Mark’s involvement in left-wing politics place further strain on the relationship. Can grandfather help?
Father of Four is a charming and funny movie about a single father who struggles to balance work and family life while raising his four mischievous children. With the help of his loyal dog, Tarzan, and a kind schoolteacher, the father navigates various challenges and learns important lessons about love, family, and the value of perseverance.
The year is 1968. Five teenage boys dream of running a movie theater in which they will not show pro-war films. One summer afternoon Giò, Delfo, Max, Ricky and Paolo learn to become trusted friends, indispensable to one another.
Brotherly love goes too far when Feng gets his twin sister pregnant while both of them are still in high school, creating a problem that's bigger than both of them. Convincing his gay friend Le Le to take the blame seems like the best option.
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