American Flyers follows the journey of two brothers, a talented bicycle racer and a doctor with a life-threatening illness, as they compete in a challenging bicycle race. Along the way, they face personal demons and overcome various obstacles, all while striving for victory.
2 Seconds is a 1998 Canadian film about Laurie, a lesbian bicycle courier in Montreal, who becomes obsessed with an underground bike race. As she trains for the race, she battles with her own personal issues and forms new relationships along the way. Fueled by passion and determination, Laurie sets out to prove her worth in the male-dominated world of extreme biking.
A down-and-out crook on the lam befriends a young street urchin, in an Italian port city. At first amused that the boy is a sneak thief, he tries to deflects the kid from a life of crime. Tipped off by a woman anxious to collect the reward for him (who is wanted for murder), the police pursue the two lost souls.
A cyclist competes in the Tour de France while balancing family relationships and overcoming a bicycle accident.
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