In the 1950s, a young Italian boy named Alberto forms an unlikely friendship with a sea creature that can transform into a human. Together, they embark on an adventure to repair a boat and deliver a letter to Alberto's pen pal. Along the way, they discover the true meaning of friendship and family.
Making a Living is a silent film comedy that tells the story of a scoundrel paperboy in Los Angeles who gets involved in theft, scoop reporting, and romantic rivalries. With slapstick comedy and a touch of romance, this early cinema debut is a must-watch.
Shot in B&W, Gyula Gazdag's film follows the surreal and often comic quests of young Andris, an orphan searching for a father who doesn't exist, and Orban, a government clerk who's had enough of oppressive bureaucracy.
An aging hippy and a beautiful young woman meet in Amsterdam and find love.
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