In a post-apocalyptic world, a deadly virus has wiped out most of humanity and vampires have emerged as the dominant species. A group of young survivors, including Yuichiro Hyakuya, join forces with the Japanese Imperial Demon Army to take on the vampires and reclaim their world.
In a post-apocalyptic world, Shinji Ikari, now a high school student, must confront his inner demons and face the ultimate battle to save humanity.
In the 1800s, Captain Ahab becomes obsessed with seeking revenge on a white whale, Moby Dick, who had maimed him. As Ahab leads his crew on a perilous journey, their ship faces treacherous waters and encounters other challenges. The story explores themes of obsession, revenge, and the destructive consequences of single-minded pursuit.
Apostle Peter and the Last Supper (2012) follows the story of Peter, one of Jesus Christ's apostles, as he faces the challenges of betrayal, religious persecution, and forgiveness during the early days of Christianity. Set in the Roman Empire, Peter finds himself imprisoned and facing a death sentence but manages to find strength in his faith and the teachings of Jesus.
In 1987 Chicago, Angie Pitarelli, a snarky stripper, finds herself trapped in a peep show booth with Sally Mewbourne, a religious protester, as the apocalypse unfolds. Despite their differences, they must work together to escape the chaos and confront their inner demons. As they navigate through the horrors of the apocalypse, Angie and Sally form a bond and face the challenges together. When they reach the supposed safety of underground doors that lead to a church, they discover a sinister truth about their reality. Together, they face the ultimate test and the world succumbs to the end times.
A kind man of European royal lineage struggles against dark visions of himself as a depraved demon, eventually coming to believe that he is that creature.
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