Snow-White is a classic hand-drawn animated movie that parodies the fairytale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. It combines slapstick comedy and surreal elements to tell the story of Snow-White, who encounters a wicked stepmother, anthropomorphic characters, and magical mirrors. The movie features a mix of blues and jazz music, along with jukebox musical elements. Snow-White faces challenges such as being turned inside out, encountering a snowstorm, and being sentenced to death. It explores themes of jealousy, anthropomorphism, and surrealism.
When Bimbo falls into a manhole, he discovers a secret society with bizarre initiation rituals involving skeletons, spanking machines, and flaming hands. Will he escape the surreal nightmare?
Minnie the Moocher is a surreal comedy about a girl named Betty Boop who runs away from home and encounters supernatural and musical adventures. She meets a skeleton named Bimbo and they come across a ghost and an animate skeleton. Along the way, they encounter various surreal and fantastical elements such as an anthropomorphic flower, a talking walrus, and a jazz band. The film combines dark comedy, musical numbers, and supernatural horror in a unique and entertaining way.
The Movie Orgy is a comedy documentary that takes a humorous and nostalgic look at the history of television and film. It features clips from various movies and TV shows, including iconic characters like Mickey Mouse, Tarzan, and Daffy Duck. The film explores topics such as television history, film history, cultural history, and animation history. It also includes bloopers, satirical elements, and scenes from TV commercials. With a collage-style format, The Movie Orgy blends together different genres and themes in a unique and entertaining way.
Popeye the Sailor (1933) follows the adventures of Popeye, a brave and strong sailor who gains incredible power after consuming spinach. With his trusty pipe and the support of his love interest Olive Oyl, Popeye takes on the brutish Bluto and various other challenges, all while navigating the surreal world of carnival games and newspaper headlines.
Henry, comic strip character, gets a job at Betty Boop's pet store.
Poor Cinderella is a musical fantasy comedy short film released in 1934. It depicts the story of Cinderella, a servant who transforms into a princess with the help of her fairy godmother and attends a royal ball. The film features singing, dancing, and surreal elements.
In a tribute to the Fleischer brothers shorts of the '20s, a janitor hypnotizes Max Fleischer's pen to draw Betty Boop.
A reporter interviews Max Fleischer about his creation, and Betty illustrates with excerpts from three prior cartoons.
In this classic hand-drawn animated film, an old man goes on a mountain adventure filled with comedy, jazz music, and unexpected encounters with various animals. The story follows the mishaps and hilarious situations the old man finds himself in, including a chase with a skunk, the rescue of a damsel in distress, and a playful interaction with a goat. With a touch of jazz and a hint of slapstick humor, this movie takes the audience on a fun-filled journey.
Betty Boop campaigns for Grampy to be the new mayor and he wins. As soon as he takes office, the citizens come out from everywhere to complain and to demand he fix things. Grampy is in his element.
Betty encounters The Little King when, bored by the opera, he sneaks out to join in with her rodeo routine.
Pudgy the pup meets the female pup next door, whose snobbish owner calls him a "little nobody". A pep talk from Betty Boop turns Pudgy into a hero.
Betty Boop is training a flock of pigeons, but one stray leads Pudgy the pup on a precarious chase.
While Betty Boop is away, the kittens get into mischief. Will Pudgy the pup take the blame as usual?
In 1930s, hard-working girl Betty Boop sings at nights at her uncle Mischa's popular NY nightclub and dreams of marrying a posh rich playboy, Waldo. Gangster Johnny "Throat" and a nice hard-working ice-seller, Freddy, also woo her.
A door to door salesman visits Betty Boop's home with a long line of useless household gadgets.
The rag and bone man passes through Betty Boop's neighborhood.
On a South Sea isle, Bimbo meets Betty in the guise of a hula dancer.
Betty Boop and Bimbo take a wild streetcar ride to Crazy Town, where birds swim, fish fly, and everthing else reverses normal behavior.