Compulsion is a suspenseful movie that follows the story of a death cult and the surreal events that unfold. The plot explores themes of betrayal, debauchery, and power, taking the audience on a journey filled with symbolism and ambiguity. As the story unfolds, viewers are captivated by the mysterious and shocking events that occur.
In Rx (Simple Lies) (2005), a man finds himself entangled in a web of illegal prescription drugs and drug trafficking, leading to dangerous consequences. Betrayal, murder, and a journey across the US-Mexico border ensue, as he navigates a world filled with death and deception.
The Sea Hawk is a thrilling adventure film that tells the story of a ship's captain who is betrayed by his girlfriend and falsely accused of murder. He must navigate through treacherous waters, face off against his own brother, and seek justice while being pursued by the Spanish navy.
An ex-con musician returns to Istanbul to take a sweet and silent revenge from the ingenue with whom he once was in love, insensibly to her extramarital affairs.
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