The House of the Seven Gables follows the story of the cursed Pyncheon family, who have been haunted by a dark secret for generations. As they struggle to escape the shadow of their past, they face imprisonment, death in the family, family conflicts, and the discovery of hidden truths. Set in the year 1828, this historical drama explores themes of betrayal, love, and the pursuit of justice.
Arjun, an IPS officer, sets out on a mission to hunt down an outlaw motorcycle gang known as Satan's Slave involved in theft and murder. With the increase in crimes, Arjun must utilize his unique methods of justice to break the gang and bring them to justice. Along the way, he discovers the involvement of his own brother, leading to a personal and dangerous confrontation. Arjun must navigate through betrayal, corruption, and personal sacrifices to solve the case and restore justice.
Two brothers, Jack and Tom, are in love with the same woman, Molly. While the two brothers go off to war and Molly does her part in the effort, Tom believes that Rose is waiting for him, while in fact, she loves Jack and only turned to Tom on the rebound. Jack and Molly meet while he is on leave, and when he returns to battle, he doesn't know how to handle the situation with his brother.
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