The Pumpkin Eater tells the story of a woman who finds herself in a troubled marriage, dealing with an unfaithful husband and multiple marriages. She battles depression and emotional breakdowns, while also facing the societal pressures of being a fertile woman. The movie explores themes of female subjugation, betrayal, and the hardships of traditional gender roles.
Fear (1954) follows a scientist who, devastated by his wife's affair, conducts gruesome animal experiments using poison as a coping mechanism. As his wife becomes entangled with a factory owner, the scientist's jealousy and desperation escalate, leading to a thrilling climax.
A man discovers a videotape of his wife's lover being murdered by her husband and seeks revenge. He goes into hiding from the police and becomes a sitting target for the criminal underworld. As the story unfolds, he is confronted with betrayal, violence, and the need to escape from prison.
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