During World War Two, a man named Walter leads a group of partisans in defending the city of Sarajevo against the invading Nazi forces. The group faces challenges such as infiltrating secret bases, fighting enemy soldiers, and destroying enemy vehicles. Walter must navigate through traps and disguises to complete their mission and free the city from German occupation.
Clairette learns that Bérénice, a former mistress, is pursuing her husband in the army where he is recalled. She puts on the sergeant's uniform and after a few entanglements reconciles with her husband while Bérénice consoles herself with the captain.
Pelops (Nikos Tsouka), after the appearance of the deceased brother and he has discovered a method of preparing gasoline, desperately trying to find the missing ingredient to complete the formulation. His friends (Stathis Psaltis and Antonis Papadopoulos) attempt to chase away ghosts that haunt him, which is no more than two people (Mari Karavia and Markos Lezes) who want to drive Pelops to explore the house, inside in which is hidden a treasure.
Achilleas, who works together with his friend Paminos at Prokopis’ gas station, tries, via correspondence, to find a rich woman from abroad to marry and, in this way, hit the jackpot.
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